Smarter Bookmarking
How It Works
With Stacklist, all your favorite things are just a click away! No more digging through folders or websites trying to remember where you saved something—it's like having a personal search engine. Plus, you can access it on any device, making it easier than ever to keep track of what you love!
Save everything.
Find it easily.
Share what you want.
Instagram Posts
Google Maps Locations
TV Shows
You Tube Videos
Home Decor
Health & Wellness
Kids Stuff
DIY & Crafts
Wish List
Save everything.
Save all your favorites in ONE place. Add custom photos, tags, and your own notes. You can even group related items together into lists for easy sharing and recall.
Show me things I saved last week
Find it easily
When you save items in Stacklist, our AI assisted search makes finding your saved items effortless. It’s like having your own personal search engine.
Share what you want
Sharing a list through Stacklist, allows your friends to browse your list, read your notes, click your links, and save your items to their own account.
Always with you
With our iOS and Android apps and browser extension you can access your favorites on any device, making it simple to keep track of what you love no matter where you are.
Love how easy it is to share the best content we’ve made over the years and highlight the best in my profile.”
I'm beyond excited to consolodate everything I love into one place instead of just a list of links.
Stacklist makes it so easy to share a visual & interactive list of travel recommendations with my friends and followers.
I love Stacklist - one place to organize everything you love in life.
Stacklist makes it super easy for me to share my favorite people, places and things with the click of a button.
Stacklist has made it so much easier to share what I love with who I love. Even got my mom making stacks!
I haven't been as excited for an app or software like this... ever.
Stacklist is great to organize all of my real estate clients homes, with my notes, and share with a single link.
"I'm enjoying creating stacks of ALL my favorite things, and sharing with friends and family."
I love Stacklist because... well of course I do. It's freaking awesome.
Love how easy it is to share the best content we’ve made over the years and highlight the best in my profile.”
I'm beyond excited to consolodate everything I love into one place instead of just a list of links.
Stacklist makes it so easy to share a visual & interactive list of travel recommendations with my friends and followers.
I love Stacklist - one place to organize everything you love in life.
Stacklist makes it super easy for me to share my favorite people, places and things with the click of a button.
Stacklist has made it so much easier to share what I love with who I love. Even got my mom making stacks!
I haven't been as excited for an app or software like this... ever.
Stacklist is great to organize all of my real estate clients homes, with my notes, and share with a single link.
"I'm enjoying creating stacks of ALL my favorite things, and sharing with friends and family."
I love Stacklist because... well of course I do. It's freaking awesome.