Sep 2, 2024

I Built an App Because I Couldn't Remember a Fancy Italian Opera

by Stacklist Founder - Kyle Hudson

If you know me, you know what happens when I get an idea in my head.

You’re going to hear about it. A LOT...

I love diving deep on a topic, product, or service - learning everything I can about it, and exploring all the ways it can be better.

I’m excited to say that one of these ideas has come to life. Stacklist.

What is Stacklist?

It's the place you save all your favorite things.

The Problem

And this doesn't scratch the surface. It's worse.


Your favorite things are attached to links across dozens of scattered platforms. You’ve saved Amazon items, Air bnb locations, Instagram posts, X threads, Google Map locations etc.

BUT, when you want to group and share some of your favorite things across multiple platforms, it becomes a daunting process to search, gather, organize a list.


Now, HOW do you share that list? Email, text message, shared Notes, Google Docs, Instagram message?

Saving Where does that friend save your list? Can they access it a year from now    when they’re finally ready to go to that restaurant you recommended? Or, did they lose it in a text thread or email? Maybe it was in an Instagram message?

Oh 💩! What happens when another friend asks for the same list? Where did YOU save it? Did you save it? Can you easily share it again?

The Solution

There, thats much better.

With Stacklist users can:

  1. Save links to places, items, services, experiences, and more (we call these links Cards), along with personal notes and context.

  2. Organize groups of related Cards (we call these Stacks), with personal notes and context

  3. Share Cards and Stacks with anyone quickly through text or email

Rinse and repeat! 😁 The recipient can save these links into their own free Stacklist account for easy recall and sharing any time.

No more lost links.

No more searching multiple platforms for what you’ve already found.

No more creating lists of your favorites things more than once.

About That Opera...

On a date-night with my wife in 2017, we discussed how hard it was to share our favorite things with friends and family. We lived in NYC at the time and people were constantly hitting us up for recommendations before they came to visit.

We ended up making so many individual lists for people, it became a running joke any time someone would ask.

We had also just returned from a trip to Venice where we attended an intimate performance of an opera staged in a Renaissance-era palace overlooking the Grand Canal.

For each new act both the audience and the ensemble move from one candle list salon to another. Naturally, the type of experience we were anxious to share with friends when we got back.

Until someone said "That sounds amazing, would you send it to me?"

(Moment of silence) 😬

Cue internal monologue:

"I can't remember where I booked it. TripAdvisor? Viator? A website I found during trip planning? Maybe its in my Gmail in receipts. Or, maybe I starred it on Google Maps? If I just pinch-and-zoom to the right location, near... the square.. or was closer to the water?")

For the longest time, I couldn’t remember how I found and booked those tickets.

It annoyed me to no end.

Before Stacklist but After the Opera

In 2017 my wife and I had just welcomed our first son, William. I was attempting to balance family and my job at a demanding agency.

Needless to say, it didn't feel like the right time to start building a product.

Fast-forward to 2023.

This year was hard to say the least. My mother passed as a result of cancer, and then my grandfather passed a few weeks later. A few months after that, I was laid off from my job.

This was my inflection point.

After two-decades of running design and development projects for other companies, and after two devastating family losses, it was time to make something for myself.

I set up a product studio called Oh Hi Labs with the goal of making things people love to use.

The first product I worked on was a Restaurant CMS product called Entree. Restaurant owners and staff could update their online menus with a simple iOS app and avoid embeding PDF menus on their website (I hate that).

It worked, and I got a few users, but it wasn't IT. It wasn’t THE THING.

Next, I built an app that allowed users to dictate audio-messages on-the-go. The audio files were immediately transcribed, and OpenAI turned them into actionable project plans.

The moment we shipped a working version, I sent it to a friend and knew in that moment that THIS WASN’T IT either.

Enter Stacklist

Since that date night in 2017, I've carried an image in my head.

I’m holding stacks of index cards, and just handing them out to people. Simple.

Here are my favorite things. Save them if they seem interesting. Enjoy!

It should be simple to easily recall, group, and share my favorite experiences, products, services, restaurants, and hotels with friends, right?

In April 2024, it was finally time for Stacklist to make it’s way into the world. I hired a developer to build a prototype. Something rough that would alow me to work through the details in my mind.

A few days after my 45th birthday, the prototype was delivered, and IT WORKED! It was unpolished, but it allowed me to peek into the future and see what Stacklist could become.

I was all in.

From that moment, my mind shifted gears. I had to figure out how to bring Stacklist to the world. I’m proud to announce that it has finally arrived.

Stacklist allows useres to save from any website or platform, recall those saved items at a moment’s notice (i.e. “I love this new phone case, let me grab the link and send it to you”), and package groups of links with context (i.e. “Dinner options for Thursday night”) to share with friends and family.

Stacklist is exactly the thing you didn’t know you needed to save and share your favorite things.

You can put ALL your eggs in this basket. 🐣

And did I mention, you can sign up now for free, and you can check out my profile to see a few of my favorite things.

I can't wait to hear how you use and enjoy Stacklist.

Happy Stacking.

Kyle Hudson

Founder & CEO


P.S. I did finally find that opera! I've created a Stack of all the places we went on Venice trip. Enjoy.

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